+92 61 4552368 | +92 300 9633372

The Company

M/S Shakeel Textile Industries was formed in 1980 as Manufacturer-cum-Exporters.


M/S Shakeel Textile Industries was formed in 1980 as Manufacturer-cum-Exporters

Manufacturer of Shakeel Textile Industries and is registered with Federal Board of Revenue (Govt, Pakistan) under National Tax Number 0954337-6 in 2004. Mr. Asghar Ali is the Chief Executive/Proprietor of the Company. God has blessed countless abilities to the captain of STI in business leadership. Under his headship, the company has witnessed immense expansion and progress. The CEO of the company is performing his highly worthy and desired role in the matters related to Manufacturing, Financial and Marketing. e empowered data whereas distinctive human capital.

The company started its business by installing 25 looms in 1980 and performed on healthy track with good operating results. With the time epoch, the company endured pioneering changes in expansion and technology and increased capacity of wearing unit by setting up A big weaving shed of 200 No’s state of the art Looms without shuttles , Shuttles Looms, Jacquard.

We have a composite textile unit of the south Punjab equipped with man power and up to the mark weaving, dyeing, and stitching, finishing unit.

Operational Output as on 30-06-2015 Capacity: Looms 200 No’s, Annual turnover is above Rs. 250.00 Million (Export) Bottom line generated highest after tax net profit Operated at maximum efficiency Major turnover gets from its export business

Company possesses strong Financial stability to meet any kind of challenge. . Operation systems are good. . Company has established a special management team which monitors plant performance, study new project, and develop system by adopting latest technology techniques. . The company is equipped with latest computing facilities and secure business maneuvers.

Shakeel Textile Industries have incorporated in their mission Statement as under “To be a good corporate citizen of the country” We are fully adhering to its committed norms for social up lift of low privileged community. We are participating in health, education and vocational trainings to facilitate low income people and contribute reasonable donation for this noble cause every year.

Our Mission

• A first class customer relationship management in our supply chain network.

• Strongly commit ourselves to manufacture international standards on high fashion products at competitive costs.

• Endeavoring and gaining space on Wholesalers and Retailers shelves.

• To maintain a production process innovation capability and dedicate ourselves to building trusted partnerships with customers and employees.

• Usage and implementation of materials and procedures which are eco – friendly which are no way hazardous to environment.

• We believe in ethical and moral work practices and fair business trade.

Our Vision

" To be an internationally competitive company, serving our customer’s needs and committing to make better homes, with our high quality and a good value for money, Shakeel Textile Industries. Ensuring satisfactory financial performance, consistent predictable growth, being the best in terms of consumer value, customer service, employee talents, and acknowledging our social responsibility for the welfare of our employees and environment."


Global Operations


Shell Business


Diversity & Inclusion


Experienced Professionals